Pull secrets

You must configure a pull secret on your control plane to pull any older version of an Official Provider. If you’re on Crossplane, UXP v1.18 or later, UXP v1.16.4, or UXP v1.17.3, use the ImageConfig API. Otherwise, configure a pull secret for each provider pod.

Crossplane and UXP v1.16+

The ImageConfig API was introduced starting in Crossplane v1.18 and backported to v1.16.4 and v1.17.3. Make sure you’re running these versions before using this API.
  1. Login to your Upbound org account
up login
  1. Create a robot and robot token using the up CLI:
up robot create provider-pull-bot
up robot token create provider-pull-bot provider-pull-token --output=-
  1. Save the Access ID value of the output to a variable named ID. Save the Token value to a variable named TOKEN:
ID=<the ID outputted in the previous step>
TOKEN=<the token outputted in the previous ste>
  1. Create a pull secret on your control plane:
kubectl -n crossplane-system create secret docker-registry up-provider-pull-secret --docker-server=xpkg.upbound.io --docker-username=$ID --docker-password=$TOKEN
  1. Create an ImageConfig resource and reference the pull secret you created earlier:
apiVersion: pkg.crossplane.io/v1beta1
kind: ImageConfig
  name: official-provider-auth
    - prefix: xpkg.upbound.io/upbound
      type: Prefix
        name: up-provider-pull-secret

This pull secret matches all packages with the xpkg.upbound.io/upbound prefix and provides the package pull secret when the control plane needs to pull the provider image.

Older Crossplane versions

If you’re on an older version of Crossplane, you need to create a package pull secret and configure each Provider package to use it:

  1. Login to your Upbound org account
up login
  1. Create a robot and robot token using the up CLI:
up robot create provider-pull-bot
up robot token create provider-pull-bot provider-pull-token --output=-
  1. Save the Access ID value of the output to a variable named ID. Save the Token value to a variable named TOKEN:
ID=<the ID outputted in the previous step>
TOKEN=<the token outputted in the previous ste>
  1. Create a pull secret on your control plane:
kubectl -n crossplane-system create secret docker-registry up-provider-pull-secret --docker-server=xpkg.upbound.io --docker-username=$ID --docker-password=$TOKEN
  1. For each provider package installed on your control plane, update it’s .spec to reference the pull secret:
apiVersion: pkg.crossplane.io/v1
kind: Provider
  name: provider-aws-s3
    - name: up-provider-pull-secret
# Removed for brevity